Hate housework? These 30 Time Saving Tips for Household Chores can help make life easier while getting your house clean!

Hate housework? These 30 Time Saving Tips for Household Chores can help make life easier while getting your house clean!

Household Chores can seem never-ending. There’s always something to do.

Unfortunately, most of us donโ€™t have a house helper who can vacuum the carpets, do the laundry or tidy the children’s rooms for us.

Instead, all of the responsibility to keep the home spic and span falls on our shoulders. However, doing the household chores doesnโ€™t have to be all doom and gloom.

Check out these 30 Time Saving Tips for Household Chores that can help!

Time Saving Tips for Household Chores

Grocery Shopping Tips 

  • Create a shopping list before you start shopping. Use your meal planner as guidance. Also, check what you already have in your fridge, freezer and store cupboards so you donโ€™t waste time buying unnecessary items.
  • Do your grocery shopping online and get them delivered to your home if you can. This means you wonโ€™t have to spend time driving,ย bagging, scouring the aisles and packing up your shopping.
  • If the online service offers a recurring shopping list service, using it will save you time. This is where information on your frequently purchased items and previous shopping lists are stored so that you can reuse them and adapt them as necessary.
  • Donโ€™t take on the unpacking alone. Make it a family event!


Meals Planning Tips 

Meal Plan Printable

  • Once a week, create a family meal plan. This will save you valuable time trying to come up with ideas for meals each day.
  • Use convenient products like frozen, chopped vegetables or canned goods to cut down on preparation time.
  • Cook items in large batches and refrigerate or freeze portions for later use.
  • Buddy up on dishes. When more than one items needs to be boiled, use the same pan rather than two to cut down on dishwashing time.
  • Pack snacks for weekly packed lunches like fruit and chopped veg in sealed plastic bags and store in the fridge. This will save you time having to prepare them each day.

Laundry Tips 

  • Cut down on the amount of laundry each week. Ask yourself what items can be worn again without causing a social faux pas.
  • The quickest way to do your laundry at home is by doing it all at once. This will save you multiple sessions of loading, unloading, drying, ironing, folding and putting away. For extra ease, pick the same day to do the laundry every week.
  • To avoid spending time sorting clothes into different colors before loading into the machine, have separate laundry baskets for each color. Whenever your partner or children has dirty laundry, they must put it into the appropriate hamper.
  • When it comes to folding, ask everyone to leave buttons and zips done up and socks the turned the right way to save you some time.
  • Ask your family to chip in with the laundry folding.
  • Here’s How To Store Summer Clothes Easily

Getting Floors Clean Tips 

  • Use good quality vacuums, brooms, and mops to keep your floors clean. Poor models will not do a good job, and so you will spend more time trying to get a clean and tidy finish.
  • Add doormats at all entrances to the house to reduce the risk of having to clean up muddy footprints.
  • Create a no shoe policy in your home to keep your floors cleaner for longer.
  • Spot clean dirty marks on your wooden and carpeted floors as you go and do an all over clean once every couple of weeks.


Cleaning Furniture Tips  

  • Cover sofas and armchairs in throws to preserve your furnitureโ€™s cleanliness for longer.
  • Use the vacuum cleaner to suck up crumbs, pet hair, etc. from the hard to reach corners of sofas and armchairs.
  • Keep animals off your furniture as far as possible. If they are allowed on the furniture make sure they are de-flead and de-wormed on a regular basis. Groom your pets outside to reduce them molting on your carpets and furniture.
  • Instead of spending time washing, drying and ironing your cushion covers, spot clean any marks using a micro fibre cloth and gentle detergent. Spray them with natural air freshener to leave them smelling fresh and clean.
  • Cover dining tables in table clothes that can be wiped or shaken outside for an instant clean.


Kitchen Cleaning Tips 

  • Clean as you go. Whenever you are cooking, fill the sink up with hot, soapy water and pop in items that can be soaked while you eat. This will make washing the dishes post-dinner much easier and faster.
  • Do a quick clean of the surfaces after you have finished cooking. It will only take a few minutes and will save you time having to do a thorough clean on them.
  • When loading the dishwasher, group knives, forks and spoons together to save you time unloading.
  • Place a couple of paper towels at the bottom of trash cans to absorb any liquid spillages.

Here’s also a few of general household time-saving habits that can help!

  • Have each family member help out. Our home belongs to everyone so everyone should help out. Try thisย Incentive Program Chore and Reward List.
  • Do maintenance cleaning during the week like cleaning surfaces and spot cleaning. And, pick one major chore to do each week like cleaning behind the fridge or baseboards.
  • Clean out allย unnecessary items. Clutter can be one of the most difficult things to deal with. Get into the habit of recycling or tossing items that your family doesn’tย need or want.

Try out some of these time-saving tips in your own home. Iโ€™m sure you will be amazed at how efficient you can be when you put your mind to it. And, you can do more enjoyable things with your family on the weekends!


About Kasey Schwartz

For over 15 years, Kasey Schwartz, the mastermind behind All Things Mamma, has been the ultimate go-to for mouthwatering family recipes. Her work has been featured on Today.com, Buzz Feed, Better Homes and Gardens, and more, making her your go-to mom next door for all things delicious and family-friendly.


  1. RaeFairbanks_Mosher says:

    Are there any unconventional methods or tools that have unexpectedly made household chores easier and more efficient for you? Share your tips and tricks that others may not have thought of before!”,

  2. airbnb cleaning sydney says:

    Great Article! Nice list of tips itโ€™s very useful for everyone. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful and useful ideas in this blog.

  3. Cathy Jackson says:

    The best way Iโ€™ve found to get motivated to do chores is to first watch the video โ€œChore Dayโ€ by Three Beat Slide (available for free on YouTube). The video humorously covers the most common household tasks such as doing the laundry, dusting shelves, putting toys away, vacuuming, doing the dishes, etc., and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! You may even find yourself singing their song as you do your own chores!

  4. NguyenloiMoving says:

    I love get my children to do the household chores. It help my children be better and can be independent in the early age. Thank for your sharing

  5. Ally J says:

    Great tips! I usually try to do a couple of things at once. For example, folding laundry while on the phone resolving a customer service issue. I iron clothes while watching my favorite tv program. Research online other time-saving household tips. You can also hire a pro for all other major home1 tasks.

  6. Isabel says:

    I love these tips! I don’t have much time for cleaning and organizing at home. I usually try to clean everything while moving. I will try to include the kids also! Thank you for the ideas! They are great! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Margarito says:

    To undergo this change they can turn on a completely different set of
    genes. Melt the soap in a double boiler or microwave
    set on low until it becomes gooey. Cleaning service which involves shampooing
    is least effective way for cleaning.

  8. Sasha says:

    Really nice tips! The post is just lovely! Thanks for sharing! Greets, Isle Of Dogs Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

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