Well, we made it through the first week of school!


I really wasn’t ready to get back into the whole routine thing, but it hasn’t been bad! Maybe it’s because the kids are a little older or maybe it’s because they were ready to go back – but whatever the reason, I’m glad it’s been an easy transition!


Ella started 3rd grade and Andrew is in 1st. They are both loving their teachers and classmates! What a huge blessing! It’s so wonderful sending them off each day knowing that there are no issues to worry about and knowing they’ll have a good day.

With the new year also comes new activities! Some how we’ve filled up our nights with extra curricular activities. The thing is if you let one do something, you have to let the other – to balance it all out to be fair. So…Ella is doing gymnastics, girl scouts and soccer and Andrew is doing cub scouts and soccer. Plus – they’re both doing Life Group at our church with us one night a week. With practices and games and the other stuff – we really only have 1 night a week off. NOT the schedule I would have chosen. But, it’s only for a short while and then we’ll have less filling it up.


This is Ella’s first year of playing soccer and I am so proud of her! She has never wanted to play a sport and was so excited to try it out and did great! She got right into her first game and gave it her all – and was pretty good! I think it was all the backyard soccer she plays with her brother that gave her a little experience. But, it’s nothing like playing a traveling team of “professional” girls on your first game! She held her own! I think she’ll get the hang of it more and more each week and be great before you know it!


I’m back at home with my all my littles each day and we’re playing and having lots of snacks. As much as I love having the big kids here, it’s much easier having kids around the same age and keeping them happy than having all different age groups and trying to figure out how to keep them all entertained and happy. But, I sure miss my helpers! Thankfully we aren’t out the door with them too early and we have some time in the morning to hang out and not be rushed. They get home a little later, but it’s not bad.


Check back this week as I share how I pack healthy, kid AND budget friendly lunches each day, a fun after school snack and a round up of my favorite after-school snacks that are “mostly” healthy with a little not so good for you thrown in! Have a great week!


About Kasey Schwartz

For over 15 years, Kasey Schwartz, the mastermind behind All Things Mamma, has been the ultimate go-to for mouthwatering family recipes. Her work has been featured on Today.com, Buzz Feed, Better Homes and Gardens, and more, making her your go-to mom next door for all things delicious and family-friendly.

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