It’s Spring and my kids have been itching to get outside and play lately, but it has been a rainy mess here in Central Illinois all week long.ย The sidewalks are even flooding! But, as soon as it stops, you can bet they’ll be out the door and enjoying the great outdoors once again!
My kids love to swing on the swing set, play ball and of course, ride bikes and scooters. As my 4 almost 5 year old, Andrew is getting bigger, he is becoming more adventurous. He jumps off of things, does flips and even likes to run really, really fast all over the place, all the time. HA! If he can go even faster – he’s all about it!
Andrew has a bike from last year that will totally work again this year, but his Thomas the Train scooter – probably not. He’s a big boy now and ready to move on to big kid stuff. I wouldn’t beย surprisedย if he even wanted to try out skateboarding. I hear his dad was quite the skateboarder back in the day! And, as athletic as he is, I am sure he’d pick it up pretty fast!
Is it rainy OR is it snowy where you are right now? This Spring weather is for the birds! Well, it won’t be long! This rain has to stop soon! Right?
What Spring activity are your kids looking forward to most? Are you planning to buy a scooter or other new outside toy this year?
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