We’re off to the start of a new year and with that brings new resolutions for our lives. I’m not a huge fan of the word resolutions (so much pressure!) so I’m going to use the word “goals” to make me feel better!
My list of goals could be a mile long, but for now…I’m picking the first 6 off the top of my head. Goals that I feel can be easily attained and worked towards.
1. The Purpose Driven Life – This is the best selling book by Rick Warren on discovering “What on Earth am I here for”. A 40 chapter book, meant to be taken in 1 chapter a day for 40 days on discovering just what God has in plan for your life. I’m reading this with my husband and looking forward to working through it together.
2. Prayer – Along with my goal above to help discover my purpose here on Earth, I strive to look to God to start and end my day. I believe that when we have Him in our eyes in all that we do, we’ll have better days and a better understanding of how to deal with anything that comes our way.
3. Healthy Lifestyle Changes – I am not an un-healthy person, but I could do better. I want to make more healthy choices in what goes into my body (food) and improve my physical well-being. I want to be able to run and jump and keep up with my children for many years to come and that means I need to make some big changes to my ho-hum attitude towards my health.
4. Marriage – My husband and I spend a good portion of the day together, but it is spent with at least 2 children and most of the time 3 more to boot. We spend more time raising and caring for children than we take for ourselves. We rarely have a moment alone and even more rarely a meal out together. We’ve actually only been in our home alone together once for 45 minutes. We need to schedule more time to ourselves so that our marriage can grow and be stronger and so that we can be good parents to our children and happy with ourselves.
5. Patience in Parenting – Having a toddler and preschooler proves to be a true test to your strength & character on a daily basis. Throw in a few other daycare kids and you’re definitely going to find out some things about yourself that needs some improvement. I pray that I’ll be able to react appropriately to any situation that comes my way and to teach the children in my care the correct way to handle themselves, as well.
6. Organize – A constant goal of mine is to have more organization in my life. I would like to get rid of the clutter and chaos that sometimes surrounds my counters, drawers and closets. I want to stay on-top of the paperwork that comes into my home, the children’s artwork and clothes that need to be donated and consigned once outgrown.
Well, there you have it…6 Goals for my life in 2011. I plan to keep you updated on each one and the ways I’m working to reach my goals – starting today!
Check back tomorrow to see just what I accomplished today!
Have a great day!
Kasey – excellent goals for the New Year & great inspiration for all of us. Listen, I wanted to share with you a new tool that was introduced to our family over the holidays. Children’s Bible is an app designed for children 3-13 & shares Bible stories through comics. It is available for most smart phones & computers. We have found this is a great way to get our children in the habit of reading the Bible, & it’s on their level. They have really enjoyed it & we are thrilled at their excitement with the Word. Just something we have found that works & wanted to pass along – check it out at childrenbible.org – Thanks for all you share!
Michele, that sounds great! I’ll check it out!
I want to check out the Purpose Driven life sometime. We’re reading the bible as a family, of course we’re reading the children’s bible, but it’s fun reading all of the lessons from Zoe and Miles’ perspectives. She asks so many questions!
Good Luck with your resolutions!
We’re on Day 2 and are really enjoying it!
My kids love reading the Bible and I think it’s wonderful to do so as a family. When your kids are little, the Children’s Bible stories are just a perfect length to keep them engaged. How great is it that your kids are really enjoying it along with you??!!
Great goals for the new year! We can accomplish them together!
I think that is an excellent idea!