Well, it’s been a crazy few weeks around here! Ella had her first days of Kindergarten and Andrew has had 2 days of pre-school. It’s going great for both of them! We’re getting into the grove of things and really starting to adjust to this new way of life.

Here’s a few pictures for my “Mostly” Wordless Wednesday post from Ella and Andrew’s 1st Day of School. I can’t believe they looks so grown-up.

OH, and let’s not forget that Ella had a ton of “firsts” that first week back to school. She got her ears pierced, went to Kindergarten, lost her 1st tooth AND learned to ride her 2-wheeler bike.

MAN, it was a rough week for this mamma! My babies were literally growing up in front of my eyes!

Hmmm….wonder if that means it’s time for #3??? Decisions, decisions….

Tell me what you think? Did you feel it was time to add another to your family when your babies were getting older and starting school OR did you think it was time to just enjoy the ages they were?

That’s a hard oneย  or maybe it’s not!

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About Kasey Schwartz

For over 15 years, Kasey Schwartz, the mastermind behind All Things Mamma, has been the ultimate go-to for mouthwatering family recipes. Her work has been featured on Today.com, Buzz Feed, Better Homes and Gardens, and more, making her your go-to mom next door for all things delicious and family-friendly.


  1. Sara says:

    Gorgeous Pictures!! Would LOVE it if you would link up with my sweet little photo swap going on right now!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2011/09/sweet-little-photo-swap-12.html

  2. Whitney says:

    Wow, she did have a big week! They are both cuties! As far as your question, we are waiting a few years before having #3 and my oldest will be right around school age, so I get where you are coming from. I see nothing wrong with it!

  3. Larissa says:

    wow…look at them, growing up so quickly…! must be so exciting!

  4. Sam says:

    That’s a pretty big week! I have no advice on having more children because I think it is a very personal decision that is different for everyone, but I can’t wait to hear what you decide!

    1. Kasey says:

      Very true, Sam. It’s a big decision!

  5. Lisa-MyLifeAfterThat says:

    Wow there is a lot of first. She is adorable, and looks pretty happy even though she had a busy week.

    Great Pictures

    1. Kasey says:

      Thanks, Lisa! It was a busy, busy week!

  6. Lindsay says:

    They so stinking CUTE! Their backpacks are bigger than they are LOL

    1. Kasey says:

      Isn’t that hilarious!! LOL!!

  7. Rebel Chick Jenn says:

    They look so excited! And I love your daughter’s dress!

  8. Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy says:

    Cute pictures!! Your kids are adorable.

  9. Carolyn G says:

    OMG your kids are such cuties!!!!!

    1. Kasey says:

      Thanks, Carolyn!!

  10. Jo says:

    Beautiful kids!
    I have two kids and I’ve decided to stop for the near future

    1. Kasey says:

      That’s what I was thinking and now they are getting older and more independent – hard to say!

  11. Beth says:

    Love all of the firsts … and SMILES!!

    1. Kasey says:

      Thanks, Beth!

  12. Candace says:

    Wow poor Mama! So many firsts this week! When my kids were old enough for school I would get a feeling I wanted another. I have 3 kids now, the last one will be 3 soon and since I am in school I am fine not having any more so you can have all my baby dust. And with kids as cute as yours yes you should make more!

    1. Kasey says:

      It was a sleepless week for me! Not sure I’m ready for sleeplessness ALL the time! haha!!

  13. Stefani says:

    Great pictures! I hope they are still as excited for school as they look for the first day.

  14. Marianna says:

    They look so excited on their first day! Love it!

    1. Kasey says:

      It was exciting!

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