Summer vacation has come to an end and both of my big kids are off to school. Ella is in First Grade this year and Andrew is in 4 Year Old Preschool and of course, Sydney is staying home with Mommy and Daddy for a few more years.
ย It’s so hard to believe that my big kids have grown so quickly. Ella seems like she’s getting ready to turn 13 instead of 7 and Andrew lost all of his baby looks over the Summer. His face is so much slimmer and defined, along with the rest of his body. He sure is looking more and more like his Dad everyday.
Both Ella and Andrew have grown a ton this Summer – in height and inย maturity. Since they both are now a big sister and brother, they’ve seemed to become closer, spending more time chatting, laughing and playing together. I’m excited for this school year! I just know it’s going to be great for both of them!