One of the things I love about Christmas is decorating our Christmas tree. It’s full of memories – ornaments from our wedding, our kid’s first Christmases, handmade ornaments and more! Each year we also allow the kids to go shopping to pick out an ornament. It’s so fun to see what they are into from year to year. Ella usually picks out some sort of dog ornament and Andrew – football. No surprise there! Another fun thing about our tree are theย photo ornaments we have. Most are from Hallmark – but we have also made our own, like this DIY Keepsake ornament.
I love these so much! They’re simple to make and the kids love seeing their faces on the tree and how they’ve changed through the year. I just take one of their small school photos, ย a little glitter and place in ย a glass ornament you can find in craft store. Add a some string or a little ribbon and you’ve got an adorable keepsake!
I share the whole DIY over on Extraordinary Mommy today! Head over to check it out! If you don’t get it complete today – it’s the perfect craft for over the Christmas break!