Today would have been my Mom’s 55th Birthday. I’m pretty sure she would have not approved of me spreading that news on my blog or on Facebook.

1977 - My Mom holding her 1st born, Me.

Mom has been in Heaven for 10 years now. Hard to believe it’s been that long, yet sometimes it feels like yesterday that I was at a cemetery with my family and closest friends, sending 45 gold balloons into the heavens to celebrate the 45 years she had spent on this earth with us. When she left us, she left an empty spot in my heart and life. But, thankfully, my faith in God tells me that she is in Heaven and we will all be together one day – in God’s Kingdom. But, for today, I am celebrating the woman she was, the mother that taught me about love for her children, that gave me a huge heart for others, and that passed on her creative side to me and the artist in her to my daughter, Ella.

Here’s to you mom….I love you and miss you! Happy 55th!

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About Kasey Schwartz

For over 15 years, Kasey Schwartz, the mastermind behind All Things Mamma, has been the ultimate go-to for mouthwatering family recipes. Her work has been featured on, Buzz Feed, Better Homes and Gardens, and more, making her your go-to mom next door for all things delicious and family-friendly.


  1. Cheryl says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your mother. You will absolutely see her in heaven. Glad to meet another woman of faith.

  2. Katie says:

    I just lost my Mom on November 29th…and the fact that yours has been gone 10 years…and so many others who have lost their Moms…its just sad…I guess that is life, but it is truly sad. This was a beautiful tribute to your Mom and I am so glad I happened along onto your blog…You made me feel more “normal” today.

  3. Ric Robinson says:

    She was a good and beautiful woman…like her daughters have become.

  4. Beeb Ashcroft says:

    What a beautiful and touching tribute to your mom. I love the photograph. This year will mark 9 years since my mom passed – it’s so crazy that it’s been that long already. In some ways it seems like it happened yesterday, and in others it feels like a whole other life.

  5. judy gannon says:

    Your Mom would be sooooo proud of you Kasey and I believe that she is with you always…You and Kari are beautiful and I know her spirit shines through you to others. Love, Judy

    1. Kasey says:

      Thank you, Judy. You knew mom so well. Thank you for being such a good friend to her and like family to us. When I have memories of being little, they involve you, Gratton and Sarah. So much a part of our lives. Love you and miss you!

  6. Rachel says:

    It’s strange how time passes but yet sometimes the pain of missing someone seems to stay the same. Sending you love and hugs on this day (((Hugs)))

    1. Kasey says:

      It sure does, Rachel. Thanks for the hugs!

  7. Kari says:

    I really miss her to! That is a beautiful picture of her. And yes she would be so mad about you making her the center of attention LOL.

    1. Kasey says:

      I know that you do, Kari. I’m not sure the pain gets much better – just a stronger feeling of missing her.

  8. Dawn C says:

    Great tribute to your mom! I lost my mom in 1997. She was 48 years young. Hugs to you.

    1. Kasey says:

      That is so young, Dawn. I’m sorry! I know. It doesn’t seem fair. But, we have to believe that there is plan beyond our comprehension and it’s all for the good, right?!

  9. Tiff @ Babes and Kids says:

    What a sweet tribute to your mom. I too believe that we will be with our loved ones in the next life that that you will see her again. Beautiful picture of her holding you as a newborn.

    1. Kasey says:

      That’s the promise that gets us through the grief of losing a loved one – seeing them again one day. Thank goodness for that! Thank you, Tiff for stopping by!

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