We took our annual Fall trip to the Apple Barn this past weekend.
The colors right now are simply amazing! Oranges, reds, purples and even yellow – beautiful!
I just love taking photos during this time of year. It just seems the lighting is always right and the temperature is not too hot and not too cold.
Andrew wasn’t much into having a stranger take his picture. But I was able to get him to smile for me…
Pretty cute, huh?!
Here’s a fun one of Ella…
we call this her Senior picture pose. Hahaha!
Such a goof ball!
After picking out the most perfect mums and pumpkin, we headed inside for the kid’s favorite part of the trip…
the BAKERY CASE! OH Yeah! It’s mommy’s favorite part, too!
Apple cider donuts, cinnamon rolls, zucchini cookies, pumpkin muffins and much, much more!
If you live near Central, IL – you’ve just got to stop by the Apple Barn. Email me and I’ll fill you in if you don’t know where it is.
It’s definitely a must see!
I hope to do some more fun fall things this weekend, but we don’t have major plans. (which I actually enjoy!)
What’s your favorite Fall activity? Any plans the weekend?
Well, whatever you’re doing, I hope you enjoy!