Snickerdoodles Cookies

The BEST Chewy Snickerdoodles Cookies recipe you’ll ever taste, these classic cookies will have you falling in love with the first bite. 

Butter Granulated Sugar Eggs Vanilla All-purpose flour Cream of tartar Baking soda Salt Ground cinnamon


1. Mix the dry ingredients. 2. Combine the wet ingredients. 3. Combine the wet and dry ingredients. 4. Shape into balls. 5. Place on a baking sheet. 6. Bake for 8-10 minutes. 7. Cool.

Packed full of flavor, they’re perfect for satisfying all those cinnamon sugar cravings!

Get this Chewy Snickerdoodles Cookies recipe + many more by clicking the links below!

Hi! I’m Kasey from All Things Mamma where I dish up family favorite recipes that are easy to make with simple, everyday ingredients. Get my FREE dessert ebook containing My TOP Easy Weeknight Dessert Recipes! Click the link below to download it for free! ($9.99 value)